Importance of Club Activities in Schools
Clubs at schools enhance learning through interaction and discussion. Every activity carried out by the club will encourage students to cultivate a different perception of life. Students get an opportunity to showcase and groom their talents. Activities conducted in schools not only benefit in shaping their interests and hobbies but also develop their leadership and social skills.
The aim of BLM Academy is to offer holistic education by balancing academics with extracurricular activities. Our syllabus is planned to make learning less stressful for the students without compromising quality. That’s why our schools build various clubs that cater to various interests. We at BLM believe in the importance of club activities for students because of the below-mentioned reasons:
• Students learn from each other: Whether they are working on the project in a group or separately, each one of them can learn from each other. They gain new insights and also learn the significance of valuing another person’s viewpoint.
• Students realize the value of unity: Clubs at school build small communities. They entice people who share the same interests such as in music, dance, science, arts, or sports. Club activities assist students to cultivate a sense of unity and working with others in reaching the same goals.
• Students develop social skills: Clubs facilitate students to meet, mix, and work together with other students from different backgrounds in a diverse environment. They come out of their comfort zone and socialize with other students which are vital in the lives of adolescents.
• Students become more confident and independent: Clubs offer plenty of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and show off their talents through different activities. Such initiatives enable the students to discover that they can be productive. This increases their level of confidence and their sense of independence.
Clubs help the students to learn new skills and engage in different activities
The model United Nations also known as MUN is an extracurricular activity in which students typically role play delegates of the United nations and simulate UN committees. This activity takes place at MUN conferences which is usually organised by MUN club .These activities built the participants self-confidence to open up and speak without hesitation students participate at inter school conferences and get an opportunity’s to meet other students participating in the conference coming from around the state and country.
• To install Environment friendliness among students by developing awareness and education on judicious use of Natural resources, Sustainability and conservation
• Empower students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects for experiential activities to promote sound environmental behaviour.
• To develop life skills, build self-esteem & self-confidence and resilience and counter negative emotions of stress, shame and fear which will enhance child’s capability to combat the challenges in their future life
• To strengthen physical, mental, emotional and social skills of students by providing opportunities to think critically and solve problems logically through participatory, and process-oriented activities
Reading Club
Reading is one of the most important skills in personality building. It helps to improve the structure of your language. It is only through reading you can get acquainted with world knowledge. It also enhances the quality of your thought process by adding various dimensions to it.
Objectives of the Reading Club:
The main objectives of the Reading Club is to:
• Create interest among students regarding the importance of reading.
• Show way to them about appropriate methods of reading.
• Spread reading culture among them.
• Motivate them to develop their own personal library.
• Make students acquainted with self-help and motivational books.
• Acquaint them with the world classics.
• Encourage them to read and follow the examples of great personalities through their biographies and autobiographies.
• Turn their attention towards the vast world of printed books from the world of computers and mobiles.
Science & Robotics Club
Streamlining visionary thoughts with the ocean of knowledge is what the science club of BLM considers its aim. As the name suggests, it strives to serve as an aid and avenue for students to delve into the depths of their potential and unleash their creativity in the field of science. The activities and experiments conducted by the club – whether it be model-making or discussions – all seek to cultivate and strengthen the scientific temper of the young discoverers, enabling them to design solutions for a better and brighter tomorrow.
Robotics Club helps in instilling Robotic knowledge among the students irrespective of the branches. It edifies students not just technically, but also empowers them as the future pioneers and neoteric personalities. It conducts sessions, project and workshops guiding students to develop their skills and talent in the field they choose by promoting their working models of various projects and impart managerial skills to the best. It finds problems in the society and delivers a solution through innovative robots that recreate the conventional methods on par with the current technology.